
Mesothelioma Cancer

Jumat, 11 September 2009

When a patient learns of a mesothelioma diagnosis, confusion is often one of the first emotions experienced. What exactly is mesothelioma? Is it a disease? A virus? Mesothelioma is actually a rare type of cancer. When people refer to mesothelioma disease, they are actually referring to mesothelioma cancer. Mesothelioma develops in the mesothelium, the membrane that surrounds several body cavities. The mesothelium is comprised of mesothelial cells, which become abnormal and divide uncontrollably if mesothelioma is present.

Four different types of mesothelioma exist. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of the cancer and develops in the lining of the lungs, known as the pleura. Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the lining of the abdomen, known as the peritoneum. Pericardial mesothelioma is very rare, as approximately 200 cases have been reported internationally. Pericardial mesothelioma develops in the pericardium, the membrane that surrounds the heart and protects the organ. Testicular mesothelioma is the rarest form of mesothelioma and develops in the lining surrounding the testicles, known as the tunica vaginalis.

Approximately 2,000 to 3,000 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma annually in the United States. Many patients are not diagnosed with the cancer until it has reached later developmental stages since it may take 20 to 50 years for a patient to demonstrate symptoms of mesothelioma. The cancer is caused almost exclusively by asbestos exposure and it often takes decades for a patient to express mesothelioma symptoms from the time initial asbestos exposure occurred.

Mesothelioma Symptoms

Diagnosis can be difficult because symptoms often resemble more common illnesses and are non-specific. Patients are often unaware of the severity of their condition until they are diagnosed with mesothelioma. A patient with peritoneal mesothelioma may express symptoms such as a persistent dry or raspy cough, difficulty breathing and swallowing, night sweats and fever, among others. Pericardial mesothelioma patients may complain of swelling or pain in the abdomen, fatigue, nausea, night sweats or the appearance of lumps under the skin on the abdomen. A patient with pericardial mesothelioma may experience heart palpitations or irregular heartbeat, chest pain, difficult breathing, fever and fatigue. Testicular mesothelioma symptoms have been confined to the appearance of testicular lumps.

Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Once a patient demonstrates unusual symptoms and visits a doctor, a medical review and physical examination often follow. Typically, further testing will be needed and an x-ray will likely be requested to pinpoint the location of the cancer and determine whether or not it has spread to other areas of the body. Additional imaging tests such as a CT scan, PET scan or MRI are often recommended for a more detailed image of the cancer. A fluid and tissue test, known as a biopsy is then typically conducted to collect a sample of fluid or tissue to test for the presence of cancerous cells. A pathologist generally examines the sample to determine whether or not mesothelioma is present.

Mesothelioma Treatment

After diagnosis, patients and their loved ones are often anxious to do everything possible to fight mesothelioma. This may involve several different treatment options. The most common treatments mesothelioma patients utilize include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Though a cure for mesothelioma does not currently exist, many patients undergo several treatments for relief from symptoms to improve the quality of life. Patients may also experience relief through experimental options and treatments available through clinical trials and alternative therapies.
by. health
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Discovering and Correcting Vibrational Discordance

Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009

Your thoughts and feelings are not equal to your vibration. They’re merely effects of your vibration, but they get filtered through your beliefs. If your beliefs aren’t aligned with truth, then your inner perception of your vibration will be a distortion of your true vibration, so you won’t perceive yourself accurately. You may think you’re resonating with a certain energetic frequency like abundance, vitality, or love, when the truth is quite different.

How can you become aware of your true vibration if you can’t blindly trust what you’re thinking and feeling?

The solution is that you need to create a feedback loop, whereby you can observe yourself objectively to get a better sense of what you’re actually putting out. This will help you make adjustments to correct inaccuracies in your internal self-image.

I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s important for singers to record themselves singing and to listen to the playback. This helps them hear what’s really coming out of their mouths. If they’re singing off-key, they will hear it in the recording, and then they can make adjustments. A talented deaf singer is an anomaly because something other than direct audio feedback must be used for training.

You can use a similar method to discover and correct your own vibrational misalignments. Record yourself, either with audio or video. Video is best because it gives you more information.

Record yourself talking about your finances. Record a conversation with your significant other. Record yourself interacting socially with friends and family. Record yourself giving a speech. Record yourself working at your desk. Then watch the playback. I guarantee that if you’ve never done this before, you will be surprised. It’s a very eye-opening experience.

If you record video, watch the playback once with video and no sound. Then listen to the audio only without looking at the video. You will pick up different insights. With no sound you can observe your body language. With no video you can pay more attention to your voice tone. This will help you see if you’re being congruent on all channels or if you’re sending mixed messages. For example, are you speaking confidently while your body language broadcasts insecurity? That would indicate that your true vibration is mixed as well, and that will surely affect your results.

Another thing you can do is invite someone else to observe you. This may take some courage, but it’s a great way to discover new truths. It’s especially helpful to get feedback from people who are already emanating the type of vibration you would like to integrate.

Ask someone who’s already enjoying financial abundance to listen to you talk about your finances for a few minutes. Ask someone who has a loving relationship to watch you interact socially with others. Ask someone who’s very healthy and fit to watch you eat and prepare a meal, do your exercise routine, and listen to you talk about your health habits. Then ask those people to give you brutally honest feedback.

We all have blind spots, myself included. In order to become aware of those blind spots, we need to take a step back and observe what’s really coming out of us. What are the real frequencies we’re broadcasting, and how do they compare with what we think we’re broadcasting?
Making Adjustments

Once you have a chance to observe yourself, make some changes based on your new distinctions. Make the gross adjustments first, and then work on the finer adjustments.

In many cases objective self-observation is the key limiting step. The challenge is to become aware of your shortcomings and to see yourself accurately. Once you’ve done that, correcting those actions can usually be achieved via basic trial and error. Make changes, record yourself again, and notice how it looks. Keep cycling through this feedback loop until you can observe that you have it right. Depending on the nature of your challenge, it may take some time to get where you want to go, but at least it’s doable.

When I did a lot of computer programming, there was a built-in feedback loop. I always had the opportunity to observe the output from the computer code I’d written, so I could identify bugs and make adjustments many times per day. But in some areas of life, such as in our human relationships, the natural feedback loop plays out much more slowly. However, you can still gain a lot of information by paying attention to your immediate results and your objectively observable momentum. If you claim to be resonating with financial abundance, but your present reality is that you’re sinking into debt and unpaid bills are piling up, something isn’t right. When you see that your results are out of alignment with your intentions, those are the best places to start investigating.

Do your best not to blame the Law of Attraction for your personal failings. That cannot possibly help. If you aren’t getting the results you intend, you need look no further than your lack of vibrational alignment. A lack of results means that you haven’t hit the right frequency to manifest your intentions yet. You’re still singing off-key. You may think you’re hitting the right notes, but if you haven’t observed your own output via objective means like recording devices and consultations with others who are already experts at those frequencies, how can you really know what frequencies you’re actually broadcasting? You can’t know!

If you want to get better at applying the LoA, you can’t simply go scouring through your thoughts and feelings, hoping to get everything perfect on the inside. You can’t create a good feedback loop entirely in your mind. It’s too easy to get lost in a tangled web of belief filters. You need to pull back, don your observer cap, and see yourself from the outside looking in. Get out of your head and your ego, and diagnose the problem holistically. Only then will you be able to apply a holistic solution that actually works.
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Tips for Healthy Eyes

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

Eyesight is something that many of us take for granted. Yet every year, thousands of people lose their best vision due to injury or disease. There are parts of the eye that, once damaged, cannot be repaired or replaced. It is important to take good care of your eyes to keep them as healthy as possible.
We recommend you follow these tips to preserve your vision and protect your eyes.

Get an annual check-up by an eye care professional. At Eye Care Associates, we not only check your need for eyeglasses or contacts, we screen for a variety of potential conditions and diseases of the eye, including glaucoma, macular degeneration and cataracts. If you have a family history of eye disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure, you may need to visit a specialist twice a year.
Consult your doctor immediately if you notice any changes in your vision. Trouble signs include: double or blurred vision, halos around lights, parts of letters or words missing from a printed page, difficulty judging depth perception on stairs or curbs, faded or distorted print, washed-out or faded colors, inability to see faces clearly, difficulty seeing when going from light to dark, sparks of light appearing off to the side, sudden pain in one or both eyes, or sudden appearance of "floaters" in your line of vision.
Protect your eyes from ultraviolet (UV) rays, dust, wind and bright lights. Be sure to wear sunglasses that protect your eyes from UV rays. The UV blocking capacity should be clearly stated on the label or manufacturer's warranty.
Eat a healthy diet. Research suggests that diets rich in antioxidants (leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits), carotenoids (carrots, kale, and spinach), zinc (beef, pork, and lamb), and selenium (fish, shellfish, and red meat) play a beneficial role in helping to reduce the severity of certain age-related eye diseases.
Take care to avoid accidental injury to the eyes. Wear protective goggles when doing yard work, using power tools or playing sports. If a foreign body enters your eye, DO NOT RUB your eye; instead, wash it with plenty of water. If acid or any other chemical gets into your eyes, immediately wash them with plenty of water, seek emergency care (emergency room visit) or see your doctor as soon as possible.
Make sure there is sufficient light for any task, especially reading.
Use common sense when watching television or working at a computer.
Keep a distance of 8 - 10 feet between your eyes and the TV screen. Blink your eyes frequently while watching a program. Do not turn off the lights in the room. Give your eyes a break every half hour if you are watching a long program.
People who work long hours at the computer often complain of double vision, temporary shortsightedness and visual fatigue. Some suggestions that may help include:
* Use a screen filter to cut down on glare
* Adjust the brightness and contrast of the monitor
* Take frequent breaks
* Blink frequently to keep your eyes well lubricated
* Periodically, look up from the screen and focus on an object in the distance to reduce eye fatigue.
For more information, please contact the patient advisor by phone at 330-747-2733 or by email at
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Create Report with Google Analytics

Jumat, 31 Juli 2009

For some months ago Google Adsense announces that now Google Adsense is integrated with Google Analytics. So you'll have access to in-depth reports about user activity on your site from Analytics. In addition to the wealth of metrics already available in Analytics such as unique visitors and visitor language, you'll now have access to granular reports that break down AdSense performance both by page and by referring site. You'll also be able to make more informed decisions on how to improve the user experience on your site and optimize your AdSense units to increase your revenue potential.

With this new function your can do (with report):

* Discover untapped markets. Use the geographies report to determine which regions are under-represented in your site's user base. Optimize your site's content to attract more of these under-represented users.

* Drive high-earning traffic to your site. Use the 'Referring sites' report to determine where the users who are making you the most money are coming from. Focus your efforts on getting traffic from these sources.

* Delve deeper into AdSense reports. Use the visualization feature to look at trends in your site's AdSense performance over time, or by time of day.

But this function is not yet ready for all publishers. You will see an invitation link at the top of your 'Overview' and 'Advanced Reports' pages when it's been enabled for your account.

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Home Business - Finding the Best Opportunity For You

The best home business for you depends upon your own desires and how much money you want to make. You can work from home for some companies that offer only a few dollars per day compensation and, if you are comfortable with that, it may be the best home business for you. Most people who seek out a home based business, however, are looking for more than that and want to make enough money to become financially independent.

If you want to make money online, real money, you can do it. There are a great deal of people who have made millions online because they knew a good opportunity when they saw it and jumped in. There are also many people who have tried to make money online but who have given up, not possessing the perseverance and dedication necessary to make it through the inevitable ups and downs of entrepreneurship. When you are considering the best home business opportunity for you, consider how hard you are willing to work and how persistent you are willing to be in order to achieve your goals. And remember, most self made millionaires have been bankrupt or close to bankrupt at least 4 times, which shows the level of perseverance necessary to succeed in becoming financially independent.

Many Internet millionaires have been made by getting in on a new opportunity during their pre-launch or just after it launches. If you choose a strong company to partner with in the early stages of the game, it is comparable to having bought Microsoft stocks in 1991. When you find an online marketing opportunity that is just starting out, you have the best chance to make good money and achieving financial independence. Although the job situation is not the best right now when it comes to full time employment, home based business opportunities are thriving as many people turn to the Internet as a way to make money. While some are happy with what amounts to Internet jobs, most want to make money online so that they never again have to worry about losing their job and being unable to pay the mortgage, in other words, most are looking for the key to financial independence. The best home business opportunity is one that will give someone a legitimate chance to achieve this goal.

Another thing to look for when you are seeking out the best home business opportunity, is a system that will roll with the punches online. The Internet market changes daily. You need to get in with a company that will anticipate these changes and allow you to capitalize on new and outstanding products and services that are continually being featured. This gives you an advantage over others who have static businesses that offer only a single product or service.

When you are looking for the best home based business for you, look for one that will allow you to work in an area where you feel comfortable. A good opportunity is one that will offer you choices when it comes to what you want to market so that you can work within your own personal style.

Stay away from multi level marketing when you are looking for business opportunities online. You will find yourself at the bottom of the line, working hard so that those who are at the top can earn money.

Be prepared to go into your home business with the absolute knowledge and belief that you can and will succeed. The best home based business for you is one that offers a turnkey system, offers multiple products or services, gives you all the training and tools you need to succeed and is not over saturated. You will be in the best situation possible if you are able to find a business that is in the beginning of a long and prosperous business life, one that offers you choices, can help you with marketing and will also continue to keep up with the marketing trends online. Laura Cosse is a partner of Internet Leveraging and Marketing, LLC. ILM offers new marketers a turnkey system to plug into and offers experienced marketers a system to plug their down line into. ILM chooses the Internet's top selling products and services to market, provides all of the sales materials, websites and lead capture systems, and also provides the marketing systems to market and sell those products. ILM is a full marketing, advertising and SEO company, so when members join ILM they have a large network of marketing professionals to back them. ILM partners with their members and runs 12 months of advertising campaigns on the business owner's behalf. For those who have an idea for a new product or service, ILM will partner with the business owner to develop the product or service and bring it to market, and will then help to sell the product using the entire Internet Leveraging and Marketing network. For more information on how ILM can help you achieve your home business goals, visit and take a tour. By Laura M. Cosse

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How to Make money from the Comfort of your home!!!

Jumat, 10 Juli 2009

by : Verland Pierson

Are you looking for a way to supplement your income? Do you need money to replace a lost or reduced income? Not long ago I was like you are today. I had been laid off for the second time in less than a year and was trying to figure out how I was going to be able to support my family. I was willing to try anything. I spent hours searching the internet for a job or anyway that I could possibly make some money.

I had no idea how to create a web site so I was not looking in that direction. I must have seen the ads for making money at home a thousand times and dismissed them because I didn't know enough about the internet. Finally out of desperation I clicked on an ad to make money online. I was amazed when I saw how easy it was to create a page and make money, by using a time tested method. I didn't need to do the research and development of the website because someone had done that for me. Now I am able to add needed income right from my computer.

The key to discovering a way to make money is simple. Just ask! There are thousands of places online willing to help you make money. These require very little computer knowledge and most have step by step instructions to start you on your way. You can pay as little as $10 or as much as $500, the choice is yours.

The Google network has provided the perfect platform for internet marketers. These systems are real and can provide a good income stream with very little effort on your part. Think of what you could do with an extra $150 or more dollars every day. You get all of the information to start making money. What are you waiting for? Get started on the road to financial success today.

Many people have tried different approaches, some have failed and some have achieved incredible success. Take my advice and don't try to do it by yourself. I tried that without any success. It can be done, but you will have to try all of things that others have done before and failed. Skip the trial and error method and start making money today with a proven system.

Now you can have access to these proven methods. Just sign up for the program and they will send you all the information to get started. Once you receive your packet you can review the information included and decide which program you are going to use. Now all you need to do is implement the strategy you have chosen.

Google based programs are the easiest way to make money today. Anyone can do it, you do not have to be a great salesman or know how to program a computer. All you need to do is follow the instructions and don't give up. Try the programs for at least 90 days and see what it can do for you. Many people fail because they want to see the profits now. Many people have failed to make money simply because they gave up. You will not make a ton of money instantly. You need to follow through with each step and develop your business. Yes I said business because that is what you are building and like any other business you have to follow through and allow it to grow.

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Website Traffic...

Website Traffic Is The Key To Success...

Most online publishers know that website traffic is the amount of visitors your website receives. The best gauge to determine how well you are doing regarding traffic is unique visitors. Generating those unique visitors is the single biggest challenge faced by most webmasters and bloggers in the world.

You have a wonderful website and attractive content but your website traffic is still low. Internet marketers know that with little or no traffic there is little or no income. Therefore it is imperative that you increase your website traffic to ensure a more successful business.

So now that we have discussed why website traffic is so important, how in the world do you get that traffic and keep it coming? How do you generate higher website traffic is a question that is asked by hundreds of thousands of internet marketers around the world. The basic answer is: Building website traffic is simply marketing your website so that it can market for you. But how does one market their website?

You need to use a combination of methods. You cannot focus on just one method and expect to get significant amounts of traffic. Also, keep in mind that building traffic to your site is a process and not a one-time event. It is something that requires regular effort.

All Website Traffic is Not Created Equal – You Need Targeted Traffic. Website traffic is one thing, but targeted traffic is everything. The easiest way that I have found to increase targeted website traffic is to focus each website page or blog post on a specific niche in the market. An excellent way is to ask a "how to" question and write about your solution.

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The Time Trap...

While we battle excess and clutter, we simultaneously find time in short supply. Once I became a parent, time dramatically shifted. When I was an employee working 50+ hours/week outside the home, there was ample time to keep the house picked up, go to appointments, run oodles of errands, and maintain an awesome social life to boot! How could a child upset all of this? Easily.

Remarkably, as a stay at home mom with MORE hours in the home, I find the freedom of my schedule to also be a deterrent to accomplishing things. It is too easy to lose focus or procrastinate. Somewhere along the way, I realized I thrive on flexibility but also require self discipline. Unfinished projects and revolving To Do lists do not give me personal peace nor do they make me a successful parent and spouse. MY TIME IS VERY VALUABLE. Many days are never ending, and I am never really "off the clock". As such, I tend to be very picky with one of the few things I can control in my day - how I spend my time. To combat the time trap and bypass chaos, I plan my days based upon:

HAVE TO - non-negotiable, time-sensitive - such as home, auto, doctor appointments.

NEED TO - flexible, yet necessary - such as groceries, housework, laundry.

WANT TO - wishful, yet not imperative - such as a play date or major project.


  • Give yourself a learning period to understand how your days and weeks flow.
  • Plan each day based upon what Has To be done. Then add what Needs To be done. Lastly, schedule a Want To (if time allows).
  • Keep the list small, simple, and realistic - some days just don't allow for Want Tos.
  • Do not underestimate your abilities to complete tasks - be willing to set major goals.
  • Do not overestimate your available time. You will only feel defeat when nothing gets done.
  • Never over schedule unless there is ABSOLUTELY nothing you can do. Murphy's Law will inevitably kick in and your stress level and sanity will suffer.
  • Never feel guilty to say NO to something that does not work for your family. It's unfair to compromise your vision. That being said, do not let your friends and family members down when they need you - be true to your heart.

Sometimes it is unavoidable. Life just needs to be complicated. But that doesn't mean all of the time. Allow for Nothing Moments and fill them happily with a neighborhood walk, a long snuggle with your child, or a hobby. Recharge. You don't need to be busy to feel important in this world. I just look at my family to know my purpose.

By: Methodical Mom

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AdSense for Feeds

In May 2005, Google announced a limited-participation beta version of AdSense for Feeds, a version of AdSense that runs on RSS and Atom feeds that have more than 100 active subscribers. According to the Official Google Blog, "advertisers have their ads placed in the most appropriate feed articles; publishers are paid for their original content; readers see relevant advertising—and in the long run, more quality feeds to choose from.

AdSense for Feeds works by inserting images into a feed. When the image is displayed by a RSS reader or Web browser, Google writes the advertising content into the image that it returns. The advertisement content is chosen based on the content of the feed surrounding the image. When the user clicks the image, he or she is redirected to the advertiser's website in the same way as regular AdSense advertisements.

AdSense for Feeds remained in its beta state until August 15, 2008, when it became available to all AdSense users.

AdSense for search

A companion to the regular AdSense program, AdSense for search, allows website owners to place Google search boxes on their websites. When a user searches the Internet or the website with the search box, Google shares any advertising revenue it makes from those searches with the website owner. However the publisher is paid only if the advertisements on the page are clicked: AdSense does not pay publishers for mere searches.

AdSense for mobile content

AdSense for mobile content allows publishers to generate earnings from their mobile websites using targeted Google advertisements. Just like AdSense for content, Google matches advertisements to the content of a website — in this case, a mobile website.

AdSense for domains

Adsense for domains allows advertisements to be placed on domain names that have not been developed. This offers domain name owners a way to monetize domain names that are otherwise dormant. Adsense for domains is currently being offered to some users, with plans to make it available to all in stages.

On December 12, 2008, TechCrunch reported that AdSense for Domains is available for all US publishers.

By. Wikipedia

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What do you want from your blog???

Kamis, 09 Juli 2009

So, have you decided why you want a blog? Do you want to share information? Make money? Have a place where distant relatives can keep track of you? Or you want to Post funny jokes and links?


Before you start blogging, you should decide why you're blogging. That will help you decide where to blog (which type of your hosting) and how to give name to your blog. An example is; no advertising so no money. Also, if you're blogging for relatives, the name doesn't matter but if you plan to monetize, you need a name the is related to your blog topic. You can use a blogspot to make your blog??? You will get a, in blogspot you can monetize your blog because in blogspot you can use a html code to affiliate your product.


In addition to name, the reason you blog will also affect things like frequency and topic. Again, if this a personal blog, no big decisions need to be made. Same with a blog designed to just share information; call it whatever, and post whenever, you like.


If you want regular traffic though, you need to be on topic and at least somewhat consistent. I consider this blog a tips blog, not a money blog. I try to be consistent for my regular readers, but I don't beat myself up if I'm not. I stay pretty consistently on the topic of blogging and the name of the blog is pretty much dead on for the topic I've chosen.


If you want to make money, you must think the topic is a decent one although the blogosphere is pretty crowded for a blogging blogs. You must think the title of the blog is winner. And you must give named it well. Blogger isn't a bad choice for hosts as it has integrated Adsense and you can put any other advertising or banners that you want to do. If would need to do something about your frequency though, You must think hardly.


If you want to make money with blogging, you need to build a traffic stream and the stream has to be interested in your blog topic (which is why I don't understand why there are so many spam blogs). To build traffic you need to post daily (at least in the beginning) and you need a lot of content (article).


When people show up, you want them to stick around for a while. That means plenty of articles. The faster you generate that content (multiple posts per day), the faster you will build traffic.


Right now, the vast majority of the traffic to this blog is from Google. I'm ok with that. My goal is to provide what tips I can give to you. If people are finding me via google, and getting some use out of this blog, then I am succeeding.


Why are you blogging? What do you look for in a blog like this??? That's choise any in your hand!!! So, do what you want to do,,, don't wait until tomorrow... Make your choise what you want, are you want to make money? Regular traffic though? Or only make a personal blog???


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The Story of Blogger

Selasa, 07 Juli 2009

Blogger was started by a tiny company in San Francisco called Pyra Labs in August of 1999. This was in the midst of the dot-com boom. But we were not exactly a VC-funded, party-throwing, football-in-the-lobby-playing, free-beer-drinking outfit. (Unless it was other people's free beer.)

We were three friends, funded by doing annoying contract web projects for big companies, trying to make our own grand entrance onto the Internet landscape. What we were originally trying to do does not matter so much now. But while doing it, we created Blogger, more or less on a whim and thought — Hmmm...this is interesting.

Blogger took off, in a small way, and eventually a bigger way, over a couple years. We raised a little money (but stayed small). And then the bust happened, and we ran out of money, and our fun little journey got less fun. We narrowly survived, not all in one piece, but kept the service going the whole time (most days) and started building it back up.

Things were going well again in 2002. We had hundreds of thousands of users, though still just a few people. And then, something unexpected happened: Google wanted to buy us. Yes, that Google

We liked Google a lot. And they liked blogs. So we were amenable to the idea. And it worked out nicely.

Now we are a small (but slightly bigger than before) team in Google focusing on helping people have their own voice on the web and organising the world's information from the personal perspective. Which has pretty much always been our whole deal.

For more on Google, check

By. Blogspot Read More....

Daftar Istilah

Senin, 06 Juli 2009

Informasi pribadi
“Informasi pribadi” adalah informasi yang Anda sediakan pada kami yang mengidentifikasi Anda secara pribadi, seperti nama, alamat email atau informasi pembayaran Anda, atau data lain yang dapat dihubungkan oleh Google secara tepat ke informasi seperti itu.

Akun Google
Anda dapat mengakses beberapa layanan kami dengan mendaftar untuk sebuah Akun Google dan memberikan beberapa informasi pribadi kepada kami (khususnya nama, alamat email dan sandi Anda). Informasi Akun ini akan digunakan untuk memeriksa kebenaran data Anda saat mengakses layanan Google dan melindungi akun Anda dari akses yang tidak sah oleh orang lain. Kami mungkin berbagi informasi pribadi di antara layanan kami yang berbeda-beda untuk mengubahsuaikan konten dan meningkatkan layanan kami untuk Anda. Tidak ada informasi akun yang dibagikan pada orang lain selain Google kecuali seperti yang tercantum dalam Kebijakan Privasi atau dengan persetujuan Anda.

“Kuki” adalah sebuah berkas kecil yang berisi serangkaian karakter yang dikirimkan ke komputer Anda saat Anda mengunjungi sebuah situs web. Saat Anda mengunjungi situs web tersebut kembali, kuki akan memudahkan situs tersebut mengenail peramban Anda. Kuki dapat menyimpan preferensi pengguna dan informasi lainnya. Anda dapat mengatur ulang peramban Anda untuk menolak semua kuki atau agar menunjukkan saat sebuah kuki sedang dikirimkan. Namun, beberapa fitur situs web atau layanan tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik tanpa kuki.

Alamat IP
Setiap kumputer yang terhubung ke Internet telah ditetapkan sebuah nomor unik sebagai sebiah alamat Protokol Internet (IP). Karena nomor-nomor ini biasanya ditetapkan dalam blok berbasis negara, sebiah alamat IP sering kali dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi negara dari mana komputer tersebut terhubung ke Internet.

Log peladen
Seperti kebanyakan Situs web, peladen kami secara otomatis merekam permintaan laman yang dibuat saat pengguna mengunjungi situs kami. “Log peladen” ini biasanya termasuk permintaan web, alamat Protokol Internet, jenis peramban, bahasa peramban, tanggal dan waktu permintaan Anda dan satu atau lebih kuki yang dapat mengidentifikasi peramban Anda secara unik.

Informasi sensitif
“Informasi pribadi yang sensitif” termasuk informasi yang kami ketahui berhubungan dengan inforasi kesehatan yang bersifat rahasia, ras atau asal suku, kepercayaan politik atau agama atau seks dan terikat pada informasi pribadi.

Informasi non-pribadi gabungan
“Informasi pribadi gabungan” adalah informasi tentang pengguna yang direkam dan dikumpulkan ke dalam kelompok-kelompok sehingga tidak lagi mencerminkan atau mengacu pada pengguna yang dapat diidentifikasi secara individu.

URL dan informasi tempelan
Beberapa layanan kami, termasuk Toolbar Google dan Google Web Accelerator, mengirimkan uniform resource locator (“URL”) dari laman web yang Anda minta ke Google. Saat Anda menggunakan layanan ini, Google akan menerima dan menyimpan URL yang dikirimkan oleh situs web yang Anda kunjungi, termasuk informasi pribadi yang diisipkan ke URL-URL tersebut oleh operator situs. Beberapa layanan Google (seperti Toolbar Google) membuat Anda dapat memilih untuk memanfaatkan atau tidak kuki pengiriman URL ke Google, sedangkan untuk layanan lain (seperti Google Web Accelerator) pengiriman URL ke Google bersifat intrinsik untuk layanan tersebut. Saat Anda mendaftar untuk layanan apa pun seperti itu, Anda akan diberi tahu dengan jelas bahwa layanan tersebut mengirim URL ke Google, dan apakah Anda dapat dan cara memanfaatkan fitur penerima kuki atau penolak kuki.

Sebagai contoh, saat Anda menyerahkan informasi ke sebuah laman web (seperti ID info masuk situs web atau informasi pendaftaran) operator situs web tersebut dapat “menempelkan” informasi tersebut – termasuk informasi pribadi – ke dalam URLnya (terutama setelah tanda tanya (“?”) di dalam URL). Saat URL dikirimkan ke Google, peladen kami secara otomatis menyimpan URL, termasuk informasi pribadi apa pun yang telah ditempelkan setelah tanda tanya. Google tidak menjalankan kontrol apa pun pada situs-situs web ini atau apakah mereka menempelkan informasi pribadi ke dalam URL.

ttp:// Read More....

How to attrack more website visitors using social media

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

Social Media is all about joining the ongoing conversations our customers and prospects are already having and not trying to control them. However, beyond this first step of connecting with customers on Twitter or FaceBook how do you attract them to your company website?

how to attract more visitors to your site like a magnet. The kit includes the following assets: 
Video: "Social Media & Business Marketing" - All the basics of how to leverage social media for your business 
Video: "How to Use Social Media to Attract More Customers" - How to connect with customers online and how to measure your social media efforts. 
Video: - "How to Demonstrate the Value of Social Media to Your Boss" - How social media fits into your business and how to demonstrate the value of social media to your boss or company. 
eBook: The eBook contains all of the charts, graphs and other materials from the Social Media & Business Marketing video for handy reference. (49 pages, full color)

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about Search engines

Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

Search engines are the vehicles that drive potential customers to your websites. But in order for visitors to reach their destination - your website - you need to provide them with effective signs that direct them right to your site by creating carefully chosen keywords.

Think of the right keywords as the "Open Sesame!" of the Internet. Find the exactly right words, and presto! Hoards of traffic will be pulling up to your front door. But if your keywords are too general or overused, the possibility of visitors actually making it all the way to your site - or of seeing any real income from the visitors that do arrive - decreases dramatically.

Your keywords serve as the foundation of your marketing strategy. If they are not chosen with great precision, no matter how aggressive your marketing campaign may be, the right people may not get the chance to find out about it. So your first step in plotting your strategy is to gather and evaluate keywords and phrases. Read More....

Are back link can increase Page Rank?

Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009

Are back link can increase Page Rank?
If you want have a good page rank, you must have much backlink with website or another blog. Are backlink can increase Page Rank? “Yes”. But, are backlink is a prime matter? The answer is not 100% we are page rank can increase only with use a backlink. Until now google still looking how many important we are website or blog in another person blog. 
Except use a backlink we must do this step: 
1. Update artikel every 3 day (minimal)
2. Give a content like a free software or free e-book
3. Give a Video Clip content 
4. Give a Newsletter content 
5. Use a feed reader from another blog
So, we can say if back link not only one way to increase page rank.  Read More....

G-mail Notifier

Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

Do you want check new mail without open browser? With G-mail Notifier, you can do that after you get new application at still in beta version. This application will stay in your system tray, and give you report if you got new e-mail. How to use that? Please follow my instruction step by step.
First u must get a g-mail notifier in with click Download g-mail Notifier for windows button. This application can use in Mac OS 10.4+.
Now install g-mail notifier and enter your user name and password in the box. User name and password same like your g-mail account. Mark (remember my password) if you won’t enter your information every if you login.
Congratulation, now you can use g-mail notifier. U can check that application in your system tray (in right down screen). Send your cursor there, and you will get any information about your g-mail inbox condition. If you haven’t new mail you will got information “No unread mail”. But if you have a mail this application will see you information how much you got mail (…unread conversations).
If you got new mail, right click in envelope to automatic open g-mail in your browser with choose View Inbox. But if you won’t check your mail without open browser, u can choose Tell Me Again. After click Tell Me Again, you will got information about your mail like name sender, title your email, and mail content in two row information. If you have 5 new mails, this application will give you 5 short of information. But this application will show you short information in your mail every of you got a new mail in your inbox or show your unread email if you turn on your computer.
This application is very simple, but very useful if you lazy to open your email in browser or very useful if you waiting an important mail. You can check your new mail every 2 minutes, and look 30 your mail content, choose notification sound if you got a new mail, and choose your g-mail as your default email. Read More....

BlackBerry is Boon of Bane

Business communication has changed dramatically over the least 12 to 15 years. In 1995, communication was less complicated. We made use of advanced technologies such as telephone, fax, and mobile phone. Example, when we fax a document to receiving a party, call the person to confirm if she/he was received it and communicate over the phone over the details of the document. Communication was more personal and decision making was slower. 
In 1966, electronic mail of commonly referred as e-mail, started its inevitable into offices around the world. This invasion coincides with the proliferation of the Internet. Gradually, email became the norm for business communication. 
It is undeniable that with e-mail, the whole paradigm of business communication changed. The world is much more connected, information flow freely across what was previously unbridgeable boundaries and most importantly, the costs of communications reduced. Despite the obvious advantages, e-mail does come along with certain woes. The lead time (real of perceived) between communications have reduced dramatically; how often you will hear colleagues and even business partners expecting instantaneous replies and answer to their queries almost immediately after they have sent the e-mail query out. Recently, this was complicated by the spread of the usage of Short Message Service or SMS. The increase in the volume of information and the sheer burden of having to make instant decisions ultimately resulted in an increase in executive stress. 
BlackBerry, a name that is virtually unheard of 6-7 years ago, will change the business communication landscape even more. Executives specifically those who travel for their work. They can now be contacted or stay connected in virtually any location across the global so long as there is network connection. 
Similar to e-mail, blackberry comes with certain woes. Executive stress will increase as the communications become even more instantaneous. Many executives had mixed feeling about BlackBerry. While there are obvious advantages, many of them expressed that they were over whelmed by the power of instant communications initially. Many of them were even addicted to their BlackBerry, constantly checking if they had missed any mails. For many people BlackBerry is a brilliant tool. Read More....

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